


Then, I will show next part follow the part I introduced before.

She was a courageous person. She broke the existing traditional style of woman fashion and she tried hard to change all women’s idea to their clothes. To know what she did, we can learn many things from her. For example, we can turn over a bad condition to good as she became succeed in although she was poor, and we can make a dream come true as she believed in herself and fulfilled her dream.

What feature her style has is first, she is a first designer who brings black to fashion. Black is used only for mourning wear before she has appearance. Everyone had an image that black is for mourning dress, but She had an idea that black is a color that can take out a personality of its wearer. She produced a dress coordinated black all over. And she could change black to that safest, chicest and forever fashionable color. Next, as written previously, she first used jersey cloth for women fashion. ‘To work and live, not to dress, this jersey dress was born with like this her idea. Also, it is said that she created new styles for example woman have a shoulder bag. Hand bag fill in one hand absolutely and it is inconvenient. To express its elegance and character, a design which has a chain with assist strap was born at this time. We can say it is one of her classic works that is functional and elegant.

In the fashion history, there are 2 designers who produced a style without corset. First one is Paul Poiret. He received an inspiration from Oriental fashion and the style that doesn’t use corset was popular among nobility by him. Second one is Chanel. Corset was known as a symbol of desire to the nobility. She kicked out forever the concept from fashion scene, which it is naturally to wear the corset until then, so that she is said she is a designer who made woman free not only from the corset to their body, but also from the corset to their mental.

All her styles consistently have a commonality. It is “simple and elegant”. What she bring black into fashion, what she use jersey, what she kicked out corset and so on, we can say her all works are plain or graceful. Especially, the black was a fundamental color in her style, and from then we wear a black cloth when we are in formal place and also we wear one as a casual wear. Because of her, black has been closed to us.

I showed that many basic forms of modern fashion were made by Chanel. A lot of designers affected by her and respected to her basic concept of simplicity and elegance.

In this part, I talk about what she made or did, for example that she changed the concept of black, that she made the shoulder bag and so on.

On my paper I’ll write about Giorgio Armani.


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