

this vacation

I have thought that I went to Osaka. My favorite dance instructor is in Osaka, and I want to take his lesson of Osaka. So I wanted to go there, but I don’t have money so much that I may not be able to visit Osaka. So, I will practice a lot in Kumamoto and I want to improve my dance skill. Then someday I want to go to Osaka to take that lesson.

What did I do last spring vacation? Well…I started a new part time job and quitted that soon, and went to Fukuoka with my best friend. Like that. In fact I wanted to go abroad during this vacation. I’ve never been abroad, so I’m always thinking about going to anywhere abroad. Of course, to study. But I can’t spend so much money, so I’ll try to take “Working Holiday”. I don’t have to append so much money comparative to going abroad to study, Ryugaku. I really want to go, but I can’t decide. I’m afraid to go to the foreign country alone. I think “If I couldn’t make friends…”

Someday I’m going to go abroad by the graduating. I don’t know when… Anyone give me some advice please!!!!




This time, I read “DISCOVERING PLANETS” as the last book review. Since I was a child, I’ve been interested in the planets. The TV animation broadcasted when I was a child was related the planets, so then I remembered whole planets’ name. Of course sun, I remembered Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. And What I learned from this book is that Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are in a same group, and we could see them without the telescope. Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are in a group, and those we couldn’t see them without the telescope. So that 3 planets were discovered by 3 astronomers. Uranus was discovered by William Herschel. Neptune was found by Johann Galle. Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh.

I want to know the reason why the planets are named each. Especially, I like Mercury, Uranus and Neptune, so I want to know, but there is no information in this book.

Brasch, Nicolas. /2002/DISCOVERING PLANETS/Fast Forward
